BPC Team

BPC Team
BPC Team in uniform

31 Jul 2010

The weekend

The weekend started on Friday night with torrential rain which didn't dampen our spirits as we negotiated public transport for the first time (ably led by Emma) and made our way to a local pizzeria. It definitely made a change from all the rice and beans!

We had a Portuguese style pizza which had olives, onions, ham, and egg washed down with some Guarana (aka Red Bull Brazilian style).

Lesson 1: Never let Laura Bush drink glasses of this stuff when she is sharing a room with you.

We headed back for an early night which was just as well after our very early start.

The girls very kindly let Sharon Simpson practice her effleurage (physio skills) on their swollen ankles - a combination of heat and lack of water (and this wasn't just for the over 30s on the team!)

Lesson 2: Always bring a physiotherapist with you to a hot country!

Ankles fully restored today we have met up with long term Latin Link workers Judith and Adrian Stewart who have kindly hosted us for lunch. Conveniently enough they live right beside the beach and we just had to check out the local sights - it would have been rude not to.

The journey here was an adventure in itself. We had a 20 minute walk to the bus stop and didn't realise that we were the local attraction. Jonny Simpson may look like "Brad Pitt" (according to the teenagers from Tejipio) but we felt like superstars when everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at the muitos gringos walking past.

Getting the bus was an education. We saw some of the poorer areas of town and were amazed that the rickety bus made its way up some very steep inclines and also a ravine. It was like playing chicken with the approaching traffic with our lives in the hands of a flip-flop wearing, mobile-phone-using driver.

Lesson 3: Public transport improves your prayer life.

Later today, if we make our journey back successfully, back at the seminary we will be sharing a barbeque with some other Step Teams who are coming to the end of their time here. We will also be getting ready to take Sunday School tomorrow morning and David might be speaking at the church tomorrow evening - not in Portuguese just yet.

Some points for prayer:

  • For Sunday School tomorrow as Barbara teaches the story of the Lost Sheep and others taking part with the puppet show, memory verse and singing.

  • Community outreach on Monday morning to advertise the workshops we will be doing over the next two weeks.

  • For the workshops next week - drama, craft and sport - aimed at young people from the local community, most of whom will not be Christians.

  • Continued good relationships within the team, and good health and rest.

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