And as the young people were late arriving that gave us more time to clean the kitchen, wash all the bathrooms, sweep all the floors and make decorations for the camp. We are working very hard :)
For this first week we are mostly serving those who are leading the camp. This means that we are washing all the dishes - including huge dirty pots with no hot water; and cleaning all the bathrooms several times a day.
There is alot of time scheduled for showers in the time table for the young people and today we found out why! This afternoon's activity involved an obstacle course around the seminary which involved crawling in lots of mud. Not to be outdone Rebecca had a go at the muddiest part, crawling through a tunnel while a leader hosed down all those taking part.
The football field, which is in very bad condition due to the recent rainy season, (it's not really a football field at half is submerged in mud up to about mid-calf length) was the scene of absolute muddy carnage with leaders and young people covered from head to toe. It didn't help that Stephen chose to pounce on Mrs Maguire providing her with her first mud bath of the trip. Laura followed close after, this time dragged by her new admiring Brazilian friends. Stephen didn't get off lightly and ended up having a wrestling match against three Brazilian lads.
We will post pictures when we can! They are truly a sight to behold.
Seriously it has been good to get along side the young people from Tejipio and although communication can be difficult at times they are really keen to get to know us and ask us lots of questions. Building up relationships with the young people is a key part of the ministry of the church leaders.
The young people at this camp are mostly Christians, some only recently coming to faith, so it is an incredibly important time for them spiritually. The theme of the camp is "Me, a soldier for Christ?" and focuses heavily on discipleship. Each morning the young people have devotional time with their leaders and then there is a 'culto' with singing and teaching.
The singing here is something else - lots of energy is required and while the boys mostly like jumping up and down in worship the girls make up dances to the words. We should have had some samba lessons as well as Portuguese before we came out!
The camp will finish up on Friday evening and is non-stop energy and enthusiasm.
As well as thanking God for his goodness to us so far it would be great if you could pray for the following for the rest of the camp this week:
- Brazilian team leaders as they adapt the programme to meet the needs of the young people
- For the young people that they would be built up and strengthened in their faith
- For the BPC team as we continue to try to communicate with the young people and demonstrate Christ through our actions
- David & Christine as they lead the BPC team and adapt to the changing programme
- That we would have the strength, energy and enthusiasm for the next few days.
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